U.S. House Bans Microsoft's Copilot AI; Cites Security Risks

April 2, 2024
U.S. House Bans Microsoft's Copilot AI; Cites Security Risks
  • In March 2024, President Joe Biden issued an executive order to counter AI risks, prompting a government-wide policy for AI safety.

  • The US House of Representatives, led by CAO Catherine Szpindor, banned Microsoft's Copilot AI over security concerns, following a previous ban on ChatGPT.

  • The ban aims to prevent the potential leak of sensitive House data to non-approved cloud services.

  • Microsoft is developing a government edition of Copilot with enhanced security measures, which will be evaluated by the House CAO's office upon completion.

  • Other agencies, including the Department of Energy and the Department of Veterans Affairs, have instituted similar bans on AI services like ChatGPT.

  • These actions reflect a wider movement towards increased scrutiny of AI tools, particularly those with access to user data, amid significant data privacy and security concerns.

Summary based on 6 sources

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