Deepfakes Undermine Justice: The Battle for Truth in Courtrooms

April 15, 2024
Deepfakes Undermine Justice: The Battle for Truth in Courtrooms
  • Deepfakes are sophisticated AI-generated audiovisuals that can convincingly mimic reality.

  • They undermine public trust and challenge the integrity of the legal system by potentially fabricating evidence.

  • Instances of deepfakes being presented in court cases have been reported, risking the conviction of innocent people.

  • International efforts to regulate deepfakes are in place, but their effectiveness is still uncertain.

  • There is a delicate balance to maintain between fighting deceptive media and protecting human rights.

  • The influence of deepfakes on society and their capability to disrupt judicial processes are alarming.

Summary based on 1 source

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AI and Deepfakes in the Courtroom

Towards AI • Apr 14, 2024

AI and Deepfakes in the Courtroom

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