Google Merges Android & Chrome Divisions, Ramps Up AI Focus with Major Reorg

April 19, 2024
Google Merges Android & Chrome Divisions, Ramps Up AI Focus with Major Reorg
  • Google CEO Sundar Pichai has announced a major internal reorganization, combining Android, Chrome, and hardware divisions into a 'Platforms and Devices' team.

  • The reorganization aims to streamline decision-making, accelerate progress, and improve product quality and user experience.

  • It also includes the consolidation of AI teams from Google's Research and DeepMind divisions to boost AI innovation and respond to AI safety concerns.

  • In light of global calls for AI regulation, the Responsible AI teams will move from Research to DeepMind.

  • Despite criticism of its Gemini AI model, Google is escalating its investment in AI with plans to release new AI models by 2024.

  • This reorganization represents a strategic shift in Google's management of its ecosystems and has potential implications for its partners.

Summary based on 10 sources

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