Seattle Mayor Joins DHS's AI Safety Board Amid Rising Cyber Threats

April 27, 2024
Seattle Mayor Joins DHS's AI Safety Board Amid Rising Cyber Threats
  • Seattle Mayor Bruce Harrell has been appointed to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's Artificial Intelligence Safety and Security Board.

  • The board, chaired by Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, features leaders from Microsoft, Nvidia, Google, and AI experts like Sam Altman and Sundar Pichai.

  • The board's mandate is to protect U.S. infrastructure from AI threats and advise on the safe implementation of AI in essential services.

  • Its formation follows President Biden's executive order to establish guidelines for AI development and usage in private sector.

  • The board's first meeting is scheduled for early May, with the task of offering recommendations for AI technology adoption.

  • The initiative is especially relevant as AI advances in defense and is under scrutiny in Congress.

  • Notable exclusions from the board are social media giants such as Meta Platforms.

  • There are rising concerns over the use of AI for hacking, such as generating phishing emails and malware development.

  • AI developers are committing to prevent their AI models from being misused, including for the creation of child sexual abuse material.

Summary based on 16 sources

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