Japan's PM Kishida Unveils 'Hiroshima AI Process' for Global AI Regulation

May 5, 2024
Japan's PM Kishida Unveils 'Hiroshima AI Process' for Global AI Regulation
  • Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida has announced the Hiroshima AI Process, an international framework for regulating generative AI.

  • The proposed framework is designed to mitigate risks such as disinformation and to promote the development of safe and trustworthy AI technologies.

  • The initiative has secured the support of 49 countries and regions, aligning with global efforts by entities such as the EU, US, and China to regulate AI.

  • Included in the framework is the implementation of digital watermarking to trace AI-generated content and the creation of guiding principles for AI developers.

  • The proposal responds to increasing instances of AI-related fraud in Japan and aims to strengthen domestic regulations, including changes to the Copyright Law.

  • Global cooperation is being called for to establish comprehensive and effective AI regulations.

Summary based on 5 sources

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