AT&T Probes Massive Data Leak Affecting 73 Million Users

March 31, 2024
AT&T Probes Massive Data Leak Affecting 73 Million Users
  • AT&T is investigating a significant data breach affecting roughly 73 million people, including both current and former customers.

  • Exposed personal information potentially includes Social Security numbers, phone numbers, email addresses, names, birth dates, and mailing addresses.

  • The breach dates back to 2019 or earlier, involving data from 7.6 million active customers and 65.4 million past customers.

  • Uncertainty exists whether the breach originated within AT&T's systems or a third-party supplier, with no evidence of unauthorized system access found by the company.

  • AT&T has reset passcodes for the 7.6 million current users affected and is contacting those impacted to offer credit monitoring and advise on setting up fraud alerts.

  • The company is collaborating with cybersecurity experts to manage the situation, which follows a separate February outage caused by technical issues, not cyber threats.

Summary based on 22 sources

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