Chinese-Linked Hacker Targets US Defense, Global Entities via Software Flaws

April 3, 2024
Chinese-Linked Hacker Targets US Defense, Global Entities via Software Flaws
  • A hacker, linked to China and known as UNC5174, has been exploiting Connectwise F5 software vulnerabilities targeting US defense and other high-value targets.

  • The cyberattacks are believed to be orchestrated by the Chinese Ministry of State Security and have affected hundreds of institutions in the US, Canada, Asia, and the UK.

  • UNC5174 exploits specific vulnerabilities, identified as CVE-2024-1709 and CVE-2023-46747, to gain unauthorized access to the targeted systems.

  • The hacking techniques involve creating administrative accounts, implanting malicious software, and moving laterally across the compromised networks.

  • The incidents underscore the necessity for organizations to implement stringent cybersecurity defenses to combat the risks posed by these software flaws.

Summary based on 1 source

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Alert: Connectwise F5 Software Flaws Used To Breach Networks

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