Cybercrime Syndicate's Double Game: Selling Phishing Tools While Posing as Legit

April 4, 2024
Cybercrime Syndicate's Double Game: Selling Phishing Tools While Posing as Legit
  • The Manipulaters, a cybercrime group based in Pakistan, have been active for nearly a decade.

  • They have a history of selling phishing and spam delivery tools, despite claims of becoming legitimate.

  • Saim Raza, the core brand of the group, continues to sell spamming and phishing services under various aliases.

  • Recent research uncovered malware on their computers, leading to the exposure of a large amount of account-related data.

  • Their flagship product, HeartSender, specializes in spam and email-to-SMS spamming services, with recent attempts at impersonating postal services for phishing.

  • Group leader Saim Raza has avoided answering questions regarding these activities and claims to have left Pakistan to avoid corrupt authorities, though his current location remains unconfirmed.

Summary based on 1 source

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