New Stealthy RedLine Stealer Variant Targets Crypto Wallets via GitHub and Gaming Lures

April 22, 2024
New Stealthy RedLine Stealer Variant Targets Crypto Wallets via GitHub and Gaming Lures
  • McAfee Labs identifies a new, more covert version of RedLine Stealer malware exploiting Lua bytecode.

  • The malware spreads through email, malvertising, and exploit kits, aiming at cryptocurrency, VPNs, and browsers.

  • Infected GitHub repositories disguise the malware as game cheats, deploying it via MSI installer.

  • RedLine Stealer ensures its longevity on infected systems and allows remote control for data theft and task execution.

  • GitHub's search feature is being exploited to spread repositories containing the malware.

  • Recorded Future reports on a Russian cybercrime scheme using fake Web3 gaming offers to distribute malware, especially targeting gamers.

  • Emerging threats in corporate sectors include PikaBot and NewBot Loader, indicating varied methods and points of attack.

Summary based on 1 source

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