Malware Disguised as Microsoft Software Spread via GitHub/GitLab Flaw

April 23, 2024
Malware Disguised as Microsoft Software Spread via GitHub/GitLab Flaw
  • Cybersecurity experts at McAfee have unveiled a vulnerability in GitHub and GitLab being exploited for malware distribution.

  • Malicious actors are using the 'comments' feature on these platforms to upload malware, creating URLs linked to trusted companies like Microsoft.

  • The exploit involves attaching files to comments; these files stay on the CDN with live URLs even if the comments are unposted or deleted.

  • This issue represents a substantial security risk since most software firms rely on GitHub or GitLab for their projects.

  • Currently, there's no mechanism for organizations to control or purge files attached to their repositories on these platforms.

  • Attempts to reach GitHub, Microsoft, and GitLab for comments on this matter have not received responses.

Summary based on 2 sources

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