Finnish Hacker Jailed for Blackmailing Thousands with Stolen Therapy Data

May 1, 2024
Finnish Hacker Jailed for Blackmailing Thousands with Stolen Therapy Data
  • Finnish hacker Julius Kivimaki, also known by the alias Aleksanteri Kivimäki, has been convicted to a prison term exceeding six years for a significant data breach at Finland's largest psychotherapy provider, Vastaamo.

  • Kivimaki engaged in cyber extortion by threatening to release sensitive therapy notes of 33,000 clients unless a ransom was paid, both to the clinic and its clients directly.

  • His affiliation with notorious hacker groups such as Hack the Planet and Lizard Squad is noted, underscoring his history of cyber offenses, with prior convictions in Finland and the US.

  • Despite the severity of his crimes, Kivimaki's sentence is effectively halved as he is recognized as a first-time offender under Finnish law.

  • The breach also led to legal repercussions for Vastaamo's former CEO, Ville Tapio, who received a suspended sentence, while the company itself went bankrupt in 2021.

  • Kivimaki maintains his innocence and plans to appeal the sentence, although prosecutors had sought an even harsher penalty of seven years.

Summary based on 9 sources

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