NDIA White Paper Urges Zero Trust in Securing Semiconductor Supply Chains

May 13, 2024
NDIA White Paper Urges Zero Trust in Securing Semiconductor Supply Chains
  • The NDIA Electronics Division has issued a white paper on applying Zero Trust to hardware supply chains, highlighting the urgency for secure semiconductors to protect national security.

  • The white paper calls for quantifiable tracking of global IT supply chain components and better alignment of US government practices with the commercial sector.

  • Recommendations include fostering partnerships, refining procurement processes, and capitalizing on domestic assets to improve investment efficiency in semiconductor production.

  • Policy updates are necessary to respond to international competition and reverse off-shoring trends, positioning Zero Trust and on-shoring as strategies to bolster U.S. economic and technological sovereignty.

  • Strategic decisions in these areas will significantly influence America's future cybersecurity posture and technological leadership.

  • The paper underscores the need for coordinated efforts between government and industry, continuous cyber threat vigilance, and incorporating corporate intelligence for risk management and scenario planning.

Summary based on 1 source

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