Ex-FBI Chief Warns of AI-Powered Election Disruption Risks

April 20, 2024
Ex-FBI Chief Warns of AI-Powered Election Disruption Risks
  • Shawn Henry, Chief Security Officer at CrowdStrike, warns of enhanced election interference threats from foreign adversaries using generative AI.

  • He points out China, Russia, and Iran as likely nation-state actors targeting the 2024 US elections with disinformation campaigns.

  • Henry calls for robust monitoring and intelligence to safeguard election systems and stresses the need for public awareness and vigilance.

  • He advocates for a collaborative approach involving social media, AI companies, cybersecurity experts, and IT providers to counteract malicious uses of AI.

  • Henry underscores the critical need to defend democratic processes in the face of evolving digital threats.

Summary based on 1 source

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