Netanyahu Treads Lightly After Damascus Strike; Global Leaders Urge Restraint

April 16, 2024
Netanyahu Treads Lightly After Damascus Strike; Global Leaders Urge Restraint
  • Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu is adopting a careful stance after the Damascus attack, seeking to communicate with Iran while avoiding casualties.

  • The global community, led by the US, is advocating for non-escalation and advising Israel to moderate its response.

  • The United Nations and Iraqi leadership are calling for de-escalation, emphasizing the need for self-restraint from both Iran and Israel.

  • In preparation for a potential response to Iran's aggression, the Israeli military is coordinating with the United States and allies.

  • The EU and G7 are contemplating sanctions in retaliation to the Iranian drone and missile attack.

  • There is mounting criticism of President Biden's approach to the Middle East, particularly regarding the decision to unfreeze Iranian funds.

Summary based on 436 sources

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