Surge in Zero-Day Exploits Marks 2023 Cybersecurity Battleground

March 28, 2024
Surge in Zero-Day Exploits Marks 2023 Cybersecurity Battleground
  • There has been a 50% increase in the exploitation of zero-day vulnerabilities in 2023 compared to 2022.

  • The trend has shifted towards a preference for zero-day vulnerabilities over n-day vulnerabilities among cyber attackers.

  • Nation-state backed adversaries are primarily driving the rise in zero-day exploits, with espionage as the main motive.

  • The research identifies both positive and negative security trends influencing the proliferation of zero-day vulnerabilities.

  • Experts forecast a continued escalation in zero-day exploits and highlight the urgency for improved cybersecurity measures.

Summary based on 6 sources

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