Critical Supply Chain Flaw in XZ Libraries Threatens SSH Security

March 31, 2024
Critical Supply Chain Flaw in XZ Libraries Threatens SSH Security
  • A supply chain compromise was detected in xz libraries, affecting versions 5.6.0 and 5.6.1, which could allow unauthorized system access via sshd authentication.

  • The infiltration was traced to malicious code within the xz upstream tarballs.

  • Remediation efforts involve exposure detection, SSH access review, and downgrading to secure versions of XZ Utils.

  • The OX Active ASPM Platform is available to help identify applications at risk.

  • Contributors and security teams have been instrumental in uncovering and addressing this security threat.

  • Further assistance and updates are available from various providers and will be ongoing as the situation is monitored.

Summary based on 1 source

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