New Homeland AI Safety Board Tackles Tech Threats in Infrastructure

April 28, 2024
New Homeland AI Safety Board Tackles Tech Threats in Infrastructure
  • The Department of Homeland Security has formed the Artificial Intelligence Safety and Security Board to advise on AI in critical infrastructure.

  • The 22-member council includes notable tech CEOs like Sam Altman, Satya Nadella, and Sundar Pichai, as well as government officials and academics.

  • This initiative is a response to President Joe Biden's executive order on AI, focusing on defending against AI-powered threats to infrastructure.

  • Security threats addressed by the board include autonomous drones, bioweapons, and cybersecurity risks.

  • The board will guide sectors like telecommunications and utilities on using AI to enhance services while mitigating potential disruptions and risks.

  • Recommendations will be aimed at ensuring AI is integrated safely and securely into critical infrastructure to protect and improve essential services.

Summary based on 15 sources

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