AI in the Workplace: Microsoft Report Shows Surge in Adoption and Skills Demand

May 10, 2024
AI in the Workplace: Microsoft Report Shows Surge in Adoption and Skills Demand
  • 78 percent of workers are now using their own AI tools in the workplace, signaling a significant shift in the integration of technology at work.

  • Leaders are concerned about measuring the productivity gains from AI, with 59 percent unsure how to quantify the benefits, despite 79 percent acknowledging its importance for competitive advantage.

  • Microsoft's Jared Spataro highlighted the challenge for business leaders to demonstrate return on investment (RoI) for AI technologies, amidst a backdrop of many companies still experimenting with AI at a conceptual level.

  • Microsoft appears to be transitioning from recognizing business concerns to promoting a fear of missing out (FOMO) on AI advancements, possibly to accelerate RoI on its own Copilot investments.

  • The usage of AI in the workplace has nearly doubled in the past six months, with three-quarters of professionals globally using AI, underscoring the technology's rapid proliferation.

  • There is a critical need for upskilling in AI, as employers face difficulties in hiring for technological expertise, prompting Microsoft and LinkedIn to provide resources and training to support AI skill development.

  • The marketing sector is notably quick in adopting AI tools and skills, with leadership favoring AI-competent candidates, and job postings mentioning AI attracting 17% more applications.

Summary based on 11 sources

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