Apple Patents Breakthrough Blood Pressure Tech for Future Apple Watch Models

November 29, 2024
Apple Patents Breakthrough Blood Pressure Tech for Future Apple Watch Models
  • Apple has patented a new technology for blood pressure monitoring in smartwatches, which may be incorporated into future Apple Watch models.

  • The monitoring process involves inflating the chamber to compress the user's wrist, allowing the device to measure vibrations and pressure during inflation and deflation.

  • Additional sensors, including vibration and pressure sensors, will be integrated to improve the effectiveness of blood pressure measurement.

  • Blood pressure measurement relies on determining the external pressure needed to stop blood flow, utilizing Korotkoff sounds in a non-invasive manner.

  • The patent, published by the United States Patent and Trademark Office on November 28, 2024, describes a method inspired by traditional blood pressure monitors that does not rely on optical sensors.

  • The proposed wearable device features a strap, a pump, an inflatable chamber, and a liquid-filled sensing chamber, which is expected to enhance accuracy and sensitivity compared to air-filled chambers.

  • If implemented, this blood pressure feature would position Apple alongside competitors like Huawei and Samsung, which already offer direct and optical measurement capabilities.

  • The design of the device is reminiscent of the Apple Watch, incorporating familiar components such as a crown and side button.

  • Diagrams in the patent suggest that the design closely resembles the Apple Watch, further indicating Apple's intent to innovate in this space.

  • The patent specifies the use of liquid in the measurement chamber, although the advantages of using liquid over air are not clearly articulated.

  • A flowchart in the patent outlines the operation process, detailing how the inflatable chamber expands, measures vibrations, validates readings, and deflates after taking measurements.

  • Despite ongoing speculation about the inclusion of blood pressure monitoring in the Apple Watch, Apple has not announced a specific timeline for when this feature will be available.

Summary based on 4 sources

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