FCC Slaps $196M in Fines on Major Carriers for Selling Location Data

May 1, 2024
FCC Slaps $196M in Fines on Major Carriers for Selling Location Data
  • The FCC has imposed fines totaling $196 million on AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile, and Verizon for selling customers' location data without consent.

  • T-Mobile was hit with the largest fine at $80 million, with AT&T, Verizon, and Sprint facing fines of over $57 million, close to $47 million, and $12 million respectively.

  • This unauthorized sale of data enabled third parties, including a Mississippi sheriff through Securus, to track individuals via their cell phones.

  • The mobile carriers intend to appeal the fines, challenging the FCC's allegations as lacking in legal and factual basis.

  • In response to privacy concerns, the FCC has formed a Privacy and Data Protection Task Force and is considering new rules to protect domestic violence survivors from location tracking.

Summary based on 14 sources

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