AI Experts Warn of 'Human Extinction' Risks, Urge Stricter Safeguards and Transparency

June 5, 2024
AI Experts Warn of 'Human Extinction' Risks, Urge Stricter Safeguards and Transparency
  • A collective of former and current employees from top AI firms, including OpenAI and Google DeepMind, issued an open letter highlighting AI risks.

  • The letter calls for increased safeguards and oversight in the development of artificial general intelligence (AGI) to avert 'human extinction.'

  • Concerns are raised about companies silencing employees who voice AI risks, referencing a recent scandal at OpenAI involving non-disparagement agreements.

  • There is a push for transparency and ethical guidelines in AI development amidst growing concerns about AI regulation and safety.

  • The movement for better AI oversight is gaining support from prominent figures such as Yoshua Bengio and Geoffrey Hinton.

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